Handbook on marine policy in the US and the EU: An approach to emerging issues
Teaching module.
Marine regions, administrative regions and ocean governance
On the European scale, over a dozen partitions can be found dividing up the waters of the NE Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea on oceanographic or purely geometric bases, or a combination of both , as well as divisions based on national jurisdictions(Table 1).
Regionalization of the EU waters
In order to implement policies relating to marine areas, the EU has determined marine regions and sub-regions where waters are under the jurisdiction of member States.
European Overseas Territories
Some countries in Europe, members and non-members of the European Union, have part of their territory, especially islands, located excentrically with regard to what, in geographical and cultural terms, is understood as the continent of Europe.
EEZs in Europe
Jurisdictional waters generated by the various States and territories that make up the continent of Europe can be considered to be ‘European waters', with a distinction being made between constituent States of the European Union and the remaining States.
Boundaries of The Regional Seas in Europe: The Mediterranean Seas
With a surface area of 2.5 million square kilometres, the Mediterranean is the largest of the closed or semi-closed seas in Europe. Twenty-one states skirt the Mediterranean, thirteen of which are on the European side (including seven that are members of the European Union). The remainder are in the continent of Africa and in Asia Minor.
Short Sea Shipping and Motorways of the Sea
Although it is part of the traditional wealth of maritime language, the concept of short sea shipping has taken on a new meaning in recent years: as well as being a type of non-ocean maritime transport, it is understood to be a link in the intermodal transport chain with the basic purpose of capturing a share of land cargo transport in order to relieve the pressure on the road transport system. One side effect of the so-expressively named short sea shipping is a reduction in pollution and in fuel consumption through scale economies.
Large Territorial Divisions - CPRM
Large Territorial Divisions - Regional Seas I.H.O (International Hydrographic Organization)
Large Territorial Divisions - PSSAs and traffic flows
Large Territorial Divisions - OSPAR Divisions
Large Territorial Divisions - Marine Regions (MSFD) and Coastal Regions (NUTS2)
Large Territorial Divisions - Large Marine Ecosystems (NOAA)